First graders had a great time visiting Old Fort Western in Augusta. We were able to learn a lot about life long ago!

Coming up tomorrow - Kids Being Kids Day for 6th & 7th grade!
As we’re wrapping up the year, we want to bring back some childhood experiences for our older students as well as strengthening our school community with students and staff alike. We will get messy outdoors while playing field games, tie-dying, slime making, splatter painting, animal snuggling, walking over to Shell Middens, and more! We ask that all of the students involved wear clothes that can get dirty as we’re bound to make a mess and have tons of fun!
- 6/7th grade (including Ms. Jen’s 5th graders) on May 24th

GSB Spring Plant Sale at the Great Salt Bay School Greenhouse & Gardens
Thursday May 25, 2023 from 2:45-3:45 PM
First come first serve - Cash or Check
Plants available for sale from the GSB gardens are grown organically and include tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, husk cherries, squash, pumpkin, sunflowers, zinnias, cosmos, and more!
We are also seeking donations of perennials or seedlings! All proceeds go to the Agriculture Program at GSB.
Perennials that can be divided in Spring
Bleeding heart, day lilies, rhubarb, geranium, coneflower, hosta, astilbe, goatsbeard, raspberry, lady’s mantle, lamb’s ear, comfrey.
Please keep invasives out of the soil, and label your plants. Anything you can bring will be much appreciated!

All Mrs. Farnsworth Kindergarteners were peddling today!

Northeast Livestock Expo: Featuring some of our First Graders!

First graders enjoyed a field trip to Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust where they learned about birds in the area and then about different types of animals that owls eat. We dissected owl pellets and found tiny skulls, backbones, leg bones, and lots more!

Here’s a sneak peek at GSB Drama Club’s first dress rehearsal. Come see “. Stories Under the Big Top” this Thursday at 6:30 in the gymnasium. There is no entrance fee, but donations are accepted.

Here's the 2023 GSB Spring Band Concert! See the video here:

Kids Being Kids Day for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade!
As we’re wrapping up the year, we want to bring back some childhood experiences for our older students as well as strengthening our school community with students and staff alike. We will get messy outdoors while playing field games, tie-dying, slime making, splatter painting, animal snuggling, walking over to Shell Middens, and more! We ask that all of the students involved wear clothes that can get dirty as we’re bound to make a mess and have tons of fun!
- 6/7th grade (including Ms. Jen’s 5th graders) on May 24th
- 8th grade on May 31st

Bike rodeo is right around the corner! We are excited for k-3 to practice their safe riding skills through the course that our amazing Bus Drivers have designed.
3rd graders will even have the opportunity to try out an off course, trail ride with a special volunteer and Mr. Sal! Don’t forget to have your guardian fill out the google form that allows you to do this that was sent home, if you are a 3rd grader.
May 25th will be a great day and if you would like to volunteer please contact Ms. Erin, emichaud@aos93.org

Officer Billy and 2nd grade exhausted in PE after Ms. Erin had them playing hard!

GSB 2nd graders having fun at the Northeast Livestock Expo!

Mrs. Hilton's Kindergarteners would like you to know that one of the best ways to reduce your environmental impact is to compost! Below are photos of students learning about Miss Hedda’s worm bin, scooping and moving compost to our school garden, and planting peas. They have also been learning about recycling in the science center.

2nd graders enjoying the saltwater marsh at Coastal Rivers Farm

In our bicycle unit in PE, K started their cone weaving!

Here are some photos from the K-3 GSB field trip to the Northeast Livestock Expo featuring some GSB 3rd graders!

The GSB 8th grade D&D club meets 3 days a week during lunch! The game teaches teamwork, strategic thinking and math skills!

Here are photos from our 2023 GSB Spring Choral Concert!
You can see the video here - https://youtu.be/KsTO8xUZdF8

Really proud of our Ag club students…they assembled a new lobster trap trellis for the garden showing great problem solving skills and cooperation.

Here's more photos of our 7th graders at Kieve - Spring 2023