More photos from GSB's 7th & 8th grade Heritage Day!
Ms. Jen and Ms. Campbell took 6th-8th grade writers to Portland to experience a day at the Telling Room; shooting pictures around the Old Port to inspire their writing.
Families and Community Members of GSB:
The School Board and District Administration team invite you to a public forum on Wednesday, March 20th at 5pm, held at the Great Salt Bay School. This forum is to hear information, ask questions, and discuss the possible reorganization of the Great Salt Bay CSD (K-8) and the secondary education Boards of Bremen, Damariscotta, and Newcastle into one district (Great Salt Bay RSU) rather than 4 separate entities. While the changes we are proposing will not alter the Great Salt Bay School, nor the school choice and tuitioning out for high school that currently happens, we do understand that you may have questions or want to know more information about the GSB RSU or the Educational Service Center (ESC) that is being proposed as well. Please join us if you can! The Great Salt Bay CSD March 2024 Regular School Board meeting will be held at 6pm, immediately following this public forum. More information can be found at
Lynsey Johnston, Superintendent
Why do you need glasses to do Math? Di-vision! 😉
Here are some photos of Heritage Day hosted by our 7th & 8th graders!
Photos from the GSB Art Show!
Mrs. Verney's class investigating seeds and planting winter greens.
Happy Friday everyone! Here's the Friday Flyer for March 15th!
Have a great weekend!
First graders enjoying the student art show with Ms. Rey!
It’s that time of year again!
Kindergartners enjoyed tapping trees, gathering sap, and of course a taste test!
Thank you so much to Coast of Maine and their Growing Good project for donating 10 cubic feet of soil for our greenhouse's raised beds. We're already getting our hands dirty here planting winter greens for the cafeteria. And thank you to Louis Doe's for working with Coast of Maine to get us our soil so quickly!
#GrowingGoodProgram #GrowingGoodwill #LouisDoe
Spots still remain to join Girls on the Run this season! This afterschool program inspires team members to set and achieve movement goals while unlocking confidence and compassion in girls when they need it most. Join us at Great Salt Bay on Mondays and Thursdays from 2:45-4:15 for a season your 3rd-5th grader will always remember. The season runs April 1 - June 2. Register today: Contact with questions or for more information.
Thank you to everyone in the GSB community for making Pi Day such a HUGE success!
Our winner was Natalie with 129 digits of Pi! 2nd place went to Paton with 123 digits, 3rd to River with 85 digits, 4th to Eben with 82, 5th to Calvin with 80, 6th to Ellie with 79, and tied for 7th was Thomas and Owen with 61 digits.
Amazing job, everyone! Have fun at the Sea Dogs game!
GSB 2nd Graders Enjoying Coastal Rivers Farm!
K/4 reading buddies are the best!
Students have been working hard in art, to celebrate and appreciate all their hard work we would like to to announce the Annual GSB Whole School Art Show!
On March 14th and 15th the Annual GSB whole School Art Show will be on exhibition at the Coastal Rovers Land Trust (across the street from GSB).
The show opens for students Thursday and every class will be visiting the exhibition throughout the day. Thursday evening families are invited from 4pm-6pm with snacks provided and Friday the show opens to the broader community from 9am-3pm.
Here are some 1st graders working on their duck stamp poster contest images.
Kindergarten celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday
Thanks to everyone who came out to support our 3rd grade historical wax museum! It was a huge turnout for our cast of historical figures!
Kindergartners watched a brief video on how donuts are made and decorated and then used some of those techniques to make their own clay donut sculptures.
This kiddo really enjoyed himself.
Second grade are completing their duck stamp compositions.
Kindergarten is wrapping up a clay unit and starting a collaborative circle loom project. We are all kindergarten’s are contributing to producing three circle loom compositions students are able to take turns, work together by holding the loom and helping their peers remember the pattern of “over under, over under”.