GSB Kindergarten students exploring line and color theory using droppers to help build fine motor calibration and motor planning/sequencing.
Great Salt Bay Schools very own, alumni Chris Avantaggio, donated his time to create the new GSB Jump Rope logo! We were even able to put it in our school store on hoodies, t-shirts and more! We can’t wait for the jump rope season starting in April!
Let’s Go GSB Cougar Skippers!!!
A little morning light basketball, in second grade with Ms. Erin
Our 1-5th grade PE classes have started their basketball unit with Dribble Pick Up Relay with Ms. Erin!
2nd Graders working with the Owl’s Head Museum to design and race LEGO cars!
Here are the 2023-2024 Basketball schedules! Check out our Athletics page for more!
Our third graders enjoyed two lessons at the Shell Midden with Coastal Rivers Conversation Trust. In these pictures, the students were playing a game to prepare for winter.
The GSB Strategic Planning Committee is hosting a kick-off event on November 28, 2023, from 5:30-7:30 pm at school.
Community members who are interested in getting involved are encouraged to come. All are welcome to come and find out more about the process and plans.
The committee has invited Judy Sanders, BA, MEd, CAS to attend as a consultant ready to answer questions and delineate the next steps forward for the GSB community. Judy is a Maine-based educator and administrator, with experience in Maine’s public school system, the University of Maine, and independent consulting for school systems nationally.
This is a great starting point to secure the success of our community’s school. Contact Amy Guptill for more information.
The third graders enjoyed our monthly FARMs experience. We made Three Sisters Stew, cranberry sauce, sautéed vegetable, and Johnny cakes. Then we invited our parents in for a feast and read our gratitude essays!
3rd and 4th grade STEM Club with Ms. Jen and the Owls Head Transportation Museum! First we design, then we gather materials, then we create!
GSB 3rd grade students exploring texture using natural history specimens found in nature.
4th Grade goes to Morris Farm!
Students participated in a troll study for inspiration for an upcoming recycle sculpture unit.
Fifth graders use the Area Model to solve multi-digit multiplication & 6th graders seek patterns as they begin their unit on algebraic expressions!
5th Grade went for a walk to the Shell Middens after testing. We live in an amazing place!
5th and 6th grade science class got their seaweed on Tuesday afternoon. Both classes had an introduction on how to use a refractometer to measure the salinity in the water and about the data we will collect each day.
GSB art students working on their cranial bowls
Teamwork in 5-6 advisory!
6th graders filtering water for eDNA testing. The test detects DNA in the water that was left behind from different vertebrates.
Fifth graders hiked Mount Battie