Here are a few end of the year photos from Art!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB Art!
GSB 8th graders learned about food security, planted hundreds of pepper and flower seedlings, and tried a quinoa salad with local veggies at Twin Villages Foodbank Farm as part of a collaboration between the farm, FARMS at the Y, and GSB. TVFF donates about 40,000 lbs of nutrient dense produce to food pantries every year.
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
8th field trip to Twin Villages Foodbank Farm
8th field trip to Twin Villages Foodbank Farm
GSB 3rd graders travel to the @Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
3rd grade at CMBG
3rd grade at CMBG
3rd grade at CMBG
3rd grade at CMBG
3rd grade at CMBG
3rd grade at CMBG
GSB Field Day was a BLAST! Thank you Ms Erin & all of our parent volunteers!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
GSB Field Day
To the Families, Community Members, and Voters of Bremen, Damariscotta, and Newcastle, We, the current members of the Great Salt Bay CSD Board, Bremen Board, Damariscotta Board, Newcastle Board, and the AOS 93 Superintendent, encourage you to VOTE YES on the Regional School Unit (RSU) question. Damariscotta and Newcastle voting is June 11; Bremen voting is June 22. Becoming an RSU will increase organizational and budgetary efficiency by allowing our current four boards to meet and serve as one board. This shift will provide a more focused and collaborative effort for the students in our towns. Here are some key pieces of information to help inform you about this process: What changes: The GSB preK-8 Board, and the three grades 9-12 boards for Bremen, Damariscotta, and Newcastle will combine into a single board rather than four distinct boards. What stays the same: Students will still attend GSB school and have school choice for high school. Additional benefits: Bremen will receive an additional annual subsidy of approximately $85,000 for joining the RSU, the result of a complicated State funding formula. What does not apply to this vote: This vote does not withdraw GSB from the current AOS 93 school district structure. This is not a vote to create an Educational Service Center (ESC). We ask you to support this change and VOTE YES to increase efficiency in administration for both the school district and for the school budget. Thank you. -The School Boards of Bremen, Damariscotta, Newcastle, and GSB
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB 6th graders take part in the Hearty Roots program!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
6th grade Hearty Roots
2024 8th grade colony projects! It's been a year-long project with a check-in every trimester. Students had to create a new colony either on a new panet, underground, or an uninhabitable location. They had to create a water and oxygen system, government, economy, currency, colonist entertainment, back story as to why this was needed, how it would be successful and grow. They kept journals and sketches from the beginning and then had to create a working model as a finished project to present to parents and businesses as their final presentation.
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
2024 8th grade colony projects
GSB 2nd Graders enjoying Dodge Point!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
2nd Graders enjoying Dodge Point!
2nd Graders enjoying Dodge Point!
2nd Graders enjoying Dodge Point!
2nd Graders enjoying Dodge Point!
2nd Graders enjoying Dodge Point!
Happy Friday everyone! There are some big end of the year events happening next week, so be sure to check out this edition of the GSB Friday Flyer! Have a great weekend!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB Friday Flyer - June 7th 2024
Great Salt Bay School Bus Drivers hosted their annual Bike Safety Rodeo for K-3 students, a cherished event promoting safety and fun. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the dedicated volunteers whose invaluable support made this event possible: Karl's Kids, Bath Cycle & Ski, Lincoln County Sheriff, CLC Ambulance, Damariscotta and Bremen Fire Departments, Damariscotta Police, Mike's Place, Louis Does, Linda Brunner, Mary Berger, Randy (for assembling the bikes) and Great Salt Bay PTO. Your commitment to our community's well-being is truly commendable.
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB first graders went to the Darling Marine Center!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
1st grade at the Darling Marine Center
1st grade at the Darling Marine Center
1st grade at the Darling Marine Center
1st grade at the Darling Marine Center
1st grade at the Darling Marine Center
Mrs. Farnsworth’s kindergarteners enjoying some playtime in the woods!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
K in the Woods!
Yearbooks will go on sale next week- June 10-14. $12.00 each
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
First graders learned about bike safety at the bike rodeo. Thank you to the bus drivers of GSB for putting the bike rodeo on.
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
1st grade at the Bike Rodeo!
1st grade at the Bike Rodeo!
1st grade at the Bike Rodeo!
1st grade at the Bike Rodeo!
This summer we're happy to announce a fantastic, free opportunity for students currently in grades K-4 and a separate program for students currently in grades 5-8. To register your student in the K-4 program please click this link - and to register your student in the 5-8 program please click this link - Students will be accepted first come, first serve. The cut off date for registration will be June 21st. Space is limited! To find out more about these programs click below to find out more about the grades K-4 Summer Discovery program - or click here to find out more about the grades 5-8 Summer Discovery program -
9 months ago, AOS 93 CLCSS
K-4 Summer Discovery page 1
K-4 Summer Discovery page 2
5-8 Summer Discovery page 1
5-8 Summer Discovery page 2
Incoming 9th grade students!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
2nd grade working on cooperative skills and strategy in PE!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
2nd grade working on cooperative skills and strategy in PE!
Thanks to Boothbay Sea and Science Center for teaching kindergarten how to make artwork with seaweed pressing!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
Thanks to Boothbay Sea and Science Center for teaching kindergarten how to make artwork with seaweed pressing!
Here's a few more from GSB's trip to the Northeast Livestock Expo!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
Northeast Livestock Expo
Northeast Livestock Expo
Kindergarteners visit Ms. Jen to solve problems and tell stories with words and pictures!
9 months ago, Great Salt Bay School
Kindergarteners visit Ms. Jen to solve problems and tell stories with words and pictures!
Kindergarteners visit Ms. Jen to solve problems and tell stories with words and pictures!
Kindergarteners visit Ms. Jen to solve problems and tell stories with words and pictures!