GSB 2nd grade classes in a cooperative effort with the CLC YMCA are getting tennis lessons through the month of January!
about 2 years ago, Great Salt Bay School
2nd grader playing tennis
2nd grader playing tennis
2nd grader playing tennis
Check out how GSB is getting students to work and play together in combined PE classes!
about 2 years ago, Great Salt Bay School
PE Teachers at GSB
Officer Billy interacting with our students at GSB!
about 2 years ago, Great Salt Bay School
Officer Billy & Student
about 2 years ago, Great Salt Bay School
Cougar News
Menu Change for Thursday, Jan 12th: Instead of Sloppy Joes they will be serving Chicken Pattie Sandwiches Thursday, Jan 19th: will be Teriyaki chicken with rice and veggies.
about 2 years ago, Sam Adickes
Chicken Sandwich
Here's the link to December's Newsletter - the last long newsletter of 2022!
about 2 years ago, Great Salt Bay School
Cougar News
CLC YMCA Travel Team Basketball. Anyone in Grades 3-6 are able to try-out!
about 2 years ago, Sam Adickes
YMCA Travel Team Basketball
"The GSB 8th grade class is hosting an Ice Fishing Tournament. All proceeds will benefit the 8th grade class trip this Spring. As with the Harvest Fair fundraiser, parents who volunteer will be given priority to attend the class trip. The tournament date is February 12th. Weigh in will be 3-5pm at GSB. We plan to have food, bake goods, beverages as well as prizes for biggest fish, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. We have a Facebook page and event are setup, with information about the tournament. This will be updated as we go along, please share these with your friends and family. We need volunteers, please use the links below to sign up if you can help. To help with Food (Donations, serving, cooking, etc.) go/10C0E4EACAE2AAAFDC34-gsbice   To help with everything else (Prizes, tickets, Set up, etc.) go/10C0E4EACAE2AAAFDC34- gsbice1 Please contact Jenna Hanna at:  with any questions.
about 2 years ago, Sam Adickes
Ice Fishing
Winter Community Contra Dances - Friday January 13th, Friday February 10th and Friday March 10th - 6:30-8:30 at the Damariscotta Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Live music by the Oyster Creek Fiddlers and Friends. No experience necessary. All dances will be taught. All proceeds go to benefit the family of Ian Michaud who is undergoing treatment for bone cancer.
about 2 years ago, Sam Adickes
2023 Winter Contra Community Dance
The GSB 3rd grade is getting skating lessons in January at the MRC!
about 2 years ago, Great Salt Bay School
3rd grade skating lessons
3rd grade skating lessons
3rd grade skating lessons
3rd grade skating lessons
about 2 years ago, Kj Flewelling
Letter from Superintendent Lynsey Johnston on the return to GSB, Tuesday January 3rd
about 2 years ago, Kj Flewelling
Letter from the superintendent
Great Salt Bay School's beloved art teacher, Karen Hight, has been awarded the Prang Art Teacher of the Year Award. Mrs. Hight is a 34 veteran of the Great Salt Bay School staff and has educated and inspired students with her creativity and kindness. Congratulations Mrs. Hight on this achievement!
about 2 years ago, AOS 93 - Central Lincoln County School System
Karen Hight with award in hand
Central Lincoln County School System/AOS 93 - Mission - Vision The Central Lincoln County School System / AOS 93 serves the common purpose of providing high quality learning for all CLCSS students. The school system brings together five schools and their communities, each as their own school district, to form a system. This system creates a network to implement common curriculum, assessment and instruction aligned with important learning standards that supports all students achieving to high levels.
about 2 years ago, AOS 93 - Central Lincoln County School System
School bus