GSB 8th grade students are constructing their cardboard architectural designs. They have learned about popular home styles and will include one feature from their favorite architectural style in their composition.
21 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
cardboard architectural designs
cardboard architectural designs
cardboard architectural designs
cardboard architectural designs
GSB 7th graders visit Skidompha Library
22 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB 7th graders visit Skidompha Library
GSB 7th graders visit Skidompha Library
GSB 7th graders visit Skidompha Library
GSB 7th graders visit Skidompha Library
While we are missing watching the girls basketball teams- we can’t wait until next week when they have another game - the boys basketball teams have had quite the week of games! Both boys teams won Thursday games, Red against Bristol and Blue against Nobleboro! Fun fact, did you know that the blue team has TWO sets of brothers on the team?! If you have any great photos from any of the games you can always email them to Erin Michaud, she’s the Cougar Athletic Team Supporters social media rep!
23 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB Boys Basketball
GSB Boys Basketball
GSB Boys Basketball
GSB Boys Basketball
Today at the state conference: Great Salt Bay's incredible Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) Coaches are shining bright! It's inspiring to see their dedication and the impact of their work at GSB. #PBIS #EducationExcellence #GSBProud
24 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
#PBIS #EducationExcellence #GSBProud
Pre-k is keeping busy at centers building boats and ships. They are also reading about weather and transportation. We have done lots of experimenting with wind and water. We have been measuring, moving and learning how the wind and weather make changes.
24 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
Pre-k is keeping busy at centers building boats and ships. They are also reading about weather and transportation.  We have done lots of experimenting with wind and water. We have been measuring, moving and learning how the wind and weather make changes.
Pre-k is keeping busy at centers building boats and ships. They are also reading about weather and transportation.  We have done lots of experimenting with wind and water. We have been measuring, moving and learning how the wind and weather make changes.
Pre-k is keeping busy at centers building boats and ships. They are also reading about weather and transportation.  We have done lots of experimenting with wind and water. We have been measuring, moving and learning how the wind and weather make changes.
Pre-k is keeping busy at centers building boats and ships. They are also reading about weather and transportation.  We have done lots of experimenting with wind and water. We have been measuring, moving and learning how the wind and weather make changes.
Kindergarten finds out that shaving cream can be used to create art (and it cleans the tables really well too!).
25 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
Kindergarten shaving cream art
Kindergarten shaving cream art
Kindergarten shaving cream art
Kindergarten shaving cream art
Blue boys basketball and Red boys basketball played a fierce game tonight with Blue taking the Win by 10 points. The Cheerleaders did an excellent job rooting for both teams! It was an exciting game to watch and a great half time show! Well done both teams on how much you have developed this season!
26 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
Blue boys basketball and Red boys basketball played a fierce game tonight with Blue taking the  Win by 10 points. The Cheerleaders did an excellent job rooting for both teams! It was an exciting game to watch and a great half time show! Well done both teams on how much you have developed this season!
Blue boys basketball and Red boys basketball played a fierce game tonight with Blue taking the  Win by 10 points. The Cheerleaders did an excellent job rooting for both teams! It was an exciting game to watch and a great half time show! Well done both teams on how much you have developed this season!
Blue boys basketball and Red boys basketball played a fierce game tonight with Blue taking the  Win by 10 points. The Cheerleaders did an excellent job rooting for both teams! It was an exciting game to watch and a great half time show! Well done both teams on how much you have developed this season!
Blue boys basketball and Red boys basketball played a fierce game tonight with Blue taking the  Win by 10 points. The Cheerleaders did an excellent job rooting for both teams! It was an exciting game to watch and a great half time show! Well done both teams on how much you have developed this season!
Blue boys basketball and Red boys basketball played a fierce game tonight with Blue taking the  Win by 10 points. The Cheerleaders did an excellent job rooting for both teams! It was an exciting game to watch and a great half time show! Well done both teams on how much you have developed this season!
Congratulations to the GSB Spelling Bee Winners in the school wide competition! They will both go on to compete at the Regional Spelling Bee in February.
26 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB Spelling Bee Winners 2025
First and Second Graders having fun while staying out of the cold during recess!
26 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
First and Second Graders having fun while staying out of the cold during recess!
First and Second Graders having fun while staying out of the cold during recess!
2nd Grade Ag Class with Ms. Hedda in the Yurt!
27 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
2nd Grade Ag Class with Ms. Hedda in the Yurt!
2nd Grade Ag Class with Ms. Hedda in the Yurt!
2nd Grade Ag Class with Ms. Hedda in the Yurt!
2nd Grade Ag Class with Ms. Hedda in the Yurt!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
28 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
2nd Graders playing Tennis at the Y!
GSB 1st grade students working with Cindy Wright, Program Development Specialist with the Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District in preparation for their poster projects that will be submitted to the poster contest in February.
29 days ago, Great Salt Bay School
1st grade poster contest work!
1st grade poster contest work!
After 3 days of inside recess, we decided to turn our Kindergarten classroom into an Antarctica obstacle course! Kindergarteners pretended to be penguins. We hopped on rocks, crawled through an ice cave, ate fish in the sea, carried “eggs” on our feet, jumped on icebergs to avoid predators and slid on our bellies through the snow.
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
Kindergarten Penguins!
Kindergarten Penguins!
Kindergarten Penguins!
Kindergarten Penguins!
Kindergarten Penguins!
Kindergarten Penguins!
Great Salt Bay has the BEST cheering squad. They motivated our players and audience during the three intense basketball games Wednesday night! The Red boys won a nail biter of a game against Richmond, Blue boys lost a hard fought game against Woolwhich and Girls won against Richmond! The crowd was on the edge of their seats during all three games and the near constant encouragement from the stands was a sight to see and definitely a motivator for the players!
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
GSB Cheer Squad
GSB Boys Basketball
GSB Girls Basketball
How do 4th graders make the most of inside recess on those super cold days? Here's how...
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
Inside Recess Fun!
Inside Recess Fun!
Inside Recess Fun!
Inside Recess Fun!
GSB Students go to Doyle Preserve with Ms Leslie!
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
Doyle Preserve
4th and 5th graders have rolled right into their skateboard unit with Ms. Erin! The students have been so excited she has started keeping a quote wall, it currently has things like, “I’m as good as Tony Hawke!” , “This is my favorite” , “I want Mrs Girard to do this, we can teach her!” , “This is AWESOME!” Thanks so much @firstpushsyndicate for loaning us your boards and safety gear!
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
PE Skateboarding unit!
PE Skateboarding unit!
PE Skateboarding unit!
PE Skateboarding unit!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen Top Chef!!
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
6th grade FARMS Kitchen chefs in the making!
Please consider supporting the Michaud family as Ian fights osteosarcoma for the second time. The Damariscotta Area Teachers’ Association, in collaboration with the Maine Education Association, will match the first $1,500 in donations. As of last weekend we were at $875 towards our $1,500 goal. Orders close on Friday. Please copy and paste the link to order
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
Michaud Family Fundraiser
Mrs Davis helping 4th grade students make pillows for their reading buddies!
about 1 month ago, Great Salt Bay School
Mrs Davis helping 4th grade students make pillows for their reading buddies!
Mrs Davis helping 4th grade students make pillows for their reading buddies!
Mrs Davis helping 4th grade students make pillows for their reading buddies!